Wednesday, September 30, 2009

iLearningGlobal Millionaire Mentor Session For Saturday, October 3

iLearningGlobal is pleased to announce Bill Bartmann as the featured faculty member on this Saturday’s Millionaire Mentor Session.

Bill is the ultimate underdog/survivor/achiever, overcoming personal circumstances and tragedy to rise to the top enterprise in America. Homeless at age 14, a member of a street gang and a high-school dropout - Bill took control of his life by taking the GED exam and putting himself through college and law school.

Since then, Bill has created seven successful businesses, including a $3.5 billion company started from his kitchen table with a $13,000 loan.

Now, Bill Bartmann is referred to as the “Billionaire Business Coach”. He is the only self-made billionaire who has exclusively devoted his life to teaching others. He travels the country, sharing his story of how he created his success and how he dealt with his challenges.

This Saturday's Millionaire Mentor Session with Bill is titled, “Conversations with a Billionaire”. This is a rare opportunity to be mentored by one of America’s most successful businessmen.

We look forward to having you join us on the call!

When: Saturday, October 3,
9am PST / 12 noon EST
Dial in: 646-519-5830
Access code: 7244

Bill Bartmann Full Bio:

Bill is the ultimate underdog/survivor/achiever, overcoming personal circumstances and tragedy to rise to the top enterprise in America. Homeless at age 14, a member of a street gang and a high-school dropout - Bill took control of his life by taking the GED exam and putting himself through college and law school.

At the request of a bank, he took over a foreclosed oil-field pipe manufacturing plant and turned it into a million dollar a month business, until OPEC slashed the price of oil - leaving Bill out of business and a million dollars in debt.

Refusing to give up, Bill and his wife & business partner, Kathy, borrowed $13,000 and created a new industry - Debt Resolution. Three years later, they had repaid the entire million dollar debt. Over the next 13 years, they grew the company to 3,900 employees with revenues in excess of $1 billion and earnings in excess of $182 million.

There they pioneered novel financial instruments still utilized today on Wall Street. They also implemented unheard of perks and benefits for their employees, such as salaries at two times the industry standard, free health care, free on-site daycare, 250% 401k matching program and legendary company trips where they took ALL of the employees and their spouses on annual trips to the Bahamas, Las Vegas and Ocean Cruises. One year they leased twenty-seven 747 jets so they could fly 6,000 employees and spouses to Disney World.

Bill and Kathy have individually graced the covers of national business magazines: Kathy on the cover of Forbes, and Bill on the cover of Inc. They were listed individually on the Forbes 400 Wealthiest People in America list. One national magazine ranked them number 25.

In 1998, tragedy struck when Bill's former business partner committed fraud and sent the company into bankruptcy. Although Bill's former business partner told the prosecutors that he had acted without Bill's knowledge, admitted his guilt and was sent to prison, the US Attorney General, John Ashcroft, in the post-Enron business environment, indicted Bill. Five years later, after a 2 month long trial where the government called 53 witnesses and produced over 1,000 exhibits, Bill rested his case without calling a single witness or producing a single exhibit. The jury unanimously acquitted Bill on all counts.

Ironically, 17 months after his acquittal and six and a half years after his company was liquidated, the Federal Bankruptcy Trustee issued his report which publicly acknowledged for the first time, "CFS was not a fraud".

This experience would have embittered most people, but not Bill. He now travels the country, sharing his story of how he created his success and how he dealt with his challenges.

Bill has been credited with singlehandedly changing and reforming the collection industry in America. His new mission, just as ambitious, is to "reverse the business failure rate in America".

Bill is already on his way to accomplishing what has been called an impossible task. You, too, can be part of this exciting movement – a movement that will transform the face of America and improve the lives of millions of people!

You are invited to bring along anyone you feel may benefit from this amazing call..

I hope you can join us.

To your continued success,

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