Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Special Real Estate Industry Invitation From iLearningGlobal !

I am very pleased and excited to be able to invite you to an exclusive program designed for the Real Estate Industry by 2 of our esteemed faculty members.

Brian Tracy, America's TOP success speaker and Chief Learning Officer of iLearningGlobal along with Tom Ferry, Real Estate training specialist....

check out their profiles & bio here

This exclusive seminar is essential for Real Estate agents or even investors as we move into the New Year and a confusing Real Estate market.

Click on the image below to see a larger view and to check out this exciting program.

For anyone that joins iLearningGlobal as a customer, you will have access to this program during the months of January and February...view the program as often as you like 24/7 in the comfort of your own home or office. The cost is just $79.95...


If you are a Realtor and have several Associates in your office, you may want to share the cost and all benefit from this program. Watch the program in your office or have your colleagues to your home to gain these valuable lessons and many others !

This cost represents a significant saving over the the original $200 cost for a single broadcast viewing and a small investment for the expected results this WILL yield for your business in 2009 ! Jump start your business now for the upcoming year.

As you know, a seminar featuring the likes of Brian Tracy and Tom Ferry will cost significantly more than the modest monthly fee. I hope to see you on the inside.

You can also experience the benefits of the whole ILG experience in High Definition. After the 30 days, you can cancel, there is NO obligation.

Try it now and I am sure you will see the tremendous value, but you will certainly benefit from the lessons you learn from Brian Tracy and Tom Ferry, which will help bring better results in your Industry in 2009.

You can visit my site at...


Here you can join as a customer and learn more about this outstanding program that WILL help you to excel in EVERY facet of your life.

To your success,


"spend as much time working on yourself as you do on your job." ...Jim Rohn

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

iLearningGlobal Faculty Focus Call For Saturday, December 20

We invite all iLearningGlobal Marketers, Customers and Guests to join us this Saturday, December 20 for what promises to be a very special call.

Our Guest speaker is Sandy Botkin. Here's a little info about Sandy...

During the past 25 years, Sandy Botkin has taught thousands of taxpayers how to save milliions on their taxes at his seminars around the country. He consistently earns rave reviews for his clear and humorous presentations.

Sandy Botkin has become widely recognized as one of the leading experts on the tax laws and the tax advantages of having a home based business and will share some year end tax tips and advice that can still save you on your 2008 taxes and get you properly prepared for 2009 to take full advantage of the favorable tax laws that we can benefit from as home based business owners.

You DON'T want to miss this CAN put money in your pocket !

Corporate Faculty Focus Call
This will become your favorite call of the week as you listen to an esteemed faculty member share their passionate messages and also get some leadership tips from Corporate.
Hosted by Kevin Allen
This week's guest is the "TaxMan" Mr. Sandy Botkin (get prepared for year-end)
Saturday, Dec. 20 @ 9:00am PST / 12 noon EST
646-519-5830 (pin 7244 )

Please join us...

To your success,

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

iLearningGlobal Opportunity Presentation

Hi everyone,

I invite you to take a look at this Powerpoint slide show presentation and decide for yourself if this IS the opportunity that can make a difference in your life and the lives of those you care most about.

People are already looking at 2009. Many have already written off 2008 and do not want to live in it one more moment so they have moved on. Many of us are already setting goals for 2009.

How would you like to be part of every one of your friend's New Year's Resolutions for 2009 ? How would it be if you could help people improve their lives during these difficult times ?

Share iLG with your friends and family TODAY. It might just give them hope and save their holidays.

To your success,

"spend as much time working on yourself as you do on your job." ...Jim Rohn

Join Us Now !

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: ilearningglobalbrian tracyonline)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Saturday Faculty Focus Call...December 13

We invite all iLearningGlobal Marketers, customers and Guests to join us this Saturday, December 13 for what promises to be a very special call.

Our Guest speaker is Mark Fournier. Here's a little info about Mark...

Human Empowerment Expert, Author, Columnist, TV/Radio Host, Keynote Speaker, Performer and Master Life-Guide Mark Fourniér, is the founder of the non-profit Fourniér Center for Empowerment, and creator of its life-altering courses.

He is also the official Life-Guide and monthly columnist for Women’s Health & Fitness Magazine, and a 3-time EMMY-Award winning writer-producer-director, with a portfolio of inspiring books, CD’s and television programs (also earning him the Cable Ace Award for ‘best educational TV special,’ first place at the US/International Film Festival, and the National Vision Award for his innovative concepts in Human Development).

Corporate Faculty Focus Call
This will become your favorite call of the week as you listen to an esteemed faculty member share their passionate messages and also get some leadership tips from Corporate.
Hosted by Kevin Allen
This week's guest is 3-time Emmy Award winner Mark Fournier
Saturday @ 9:00am PST / 12 noon EST
646-519-5830 (pin 7244 )

Please join us...

To your success,

Saturday, November 29, 2008

How Important Are The Relationships In Your Life ?


If you are like me, then the answer is that nothing is more important.

Today I listened to Dr. John Gray speak (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus)...
The #1 best selling relationship book of the last decade. In the past 10 years, over 30 million "Mars and Venus" books have been sold in over 40 languages throughout the world.

John is one of the foremost authorities on communication and relationships and is internationally recognized. His main focus is on assisting men and women to understand, respect and appreciate their differences. John also does great work in assisting parents to better understand their children and develop stronger relationships.

Now, of course we all want financial security so that we can provide for those who we have the closest relationship with...our spouse, our children, our parents, etc.

As a parent, we always want our children to have what we didn't have growing up. To have more than we had. Even if you had a wonderful life growing up and had everything you ever wanted, you still want your kids to have more.

If you are like me and didn't have too many material things growing up, then you certainly want your children to surpass you. As a husband, I certainly want to be the best provider I can be for my wife. As a son myself, I want to be in a position financially to be able to help the people that brought me into this world.

Now, we have all heard the phrase that "money doesn't buy happiness"... I have known many people that are very well off financially, but have failing relationships with those very same people that they are trying to provide for.

Maybe, there is no communication with the spouse and/or they have no relationship with their kids who are always getting into trouble. To be in a successful relationship, you have to be able to provide emotional, mental, spiritual and physical support to name a few in addition to financial support.

After listening to Dr. Gray today for just 1/2 hour, my relationship with my wife was put into a new perspective. Certainly, married couples and parents are faced with stresses every day and they are only intensified during these difficult economic times. Men, women and children have never been faced with more stresses than we are today.

When I was a kid, I never had to worry about terrorism and child abuse and abductions and many of the other scary images that we are exposed to every day both domestically and abroad.

All of these stresses add a new dynamic to your family relationship. Dr. Gray can give us the ability to thrive and survive in spite of modern day stresses. I now better understand the connection between brain chemistry and why there are understandable differences in the way my wife reduces her stress and I reduce mine.

I now have a better understanding of what it takes to build and sustain the energy needed to manage stress and why it is different for my wife and myself, and men and women in general.

Never take your most cherished relationships for granted. Many relationships have their ups and downs and many DO NOT survive...just look at the statistics.

You can learn from great teachers like Dr. John Gray how to build and sustain stronger relationships with those you care most about. I know my relationships will change for the better.

Dr. Gray is one of many of the esteemed faculty at iLearningGlobal that WILL change your life for the better. You WILL become a better spouse, parent, friend, son or daughter, employee, employer, business owner, etc.

We will soon be the largest business training portal on the Internet and already have some incredible faculty members on board.

You are invited to visit the following site to learn more about this incredible opportunity.There are several intro videos that you can view using the channel selector...


You are also invited to take a visitor tour where you can you can view samples of the premium content you will have access to in hundreds of titles once you join
Preview the Video Theater, Audio Theater, and E-brary now at...


You will need to download the video player so your computer will be updated with best streaming video available.

You can join as a customer or a marketer and have access to an amazing Hi-Definition, full screen video format of a full library of online education material in convenient 7 to 15 minute segments. ( No Fluff...Solid CONTENT )

I hope you will check us out...

To your success in all that you endeavor to do,


Friday, November 28, 2008

Saturday Faculty Focus Call

We invite all iLearningGlobal marketers and prospects to join us this Saturday (11/29/08) for a very exclusive call with Special Guest Speaker "John Gray" (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus)

The #1 best selling relationship book of the last decade. In the past 10 years, over 30 million "Mars and Venus" books have been sold in over 40 languages throughout the world.

See John Gray's Complete Bio at...

Weekly Faculty Training Conference Call
Saturday, November 29, 2008 at 9:00am PST / 12 noon EST
Call-in #: 646-519-5830# Access Code: 7244#
Host: Kevin Allen
Special Guest Faculty Speaker: John Gray

New Conference Call Schedule

Please join us for any or all of the following calls to learn more about this exciting business opportunity...

Corporate Opportunity Call
Basic opportunity presentation for a first exposure to iLG or a second exposure for some who have heard something about us before.
Every Tuesday @ 6:00pm PST / 9:00pm EST
646-519-5830 (pin 7244#)

Corporate Faculty Focus Call
This will become your favorite call of the week as you listen to an esteemed faculty member share their passionate messages and also get some leadership tips from Corporate.
Hosted by Kevin Allen
Every Saturday @ 9:00am PST / 12 noon EST
646-519-5830 (pin 7244#)

New Marketer Training Call
This call should be listened to by all new Marketers who have joined in the past week. We will walk you through the websites and nuances of iLearningGlobal.
Presented by Kevin Allen
Mondays @ 7:00pm PST / 10:00pm EST
646-519-5830 (pin 7244#)

“Developing Your iLG Business” Training Call
This call presents a simple and duplicatable plan for building your iLG business. Jump on and join us!
Presented by Kevin Allen
Mondays @ 8:00pm PST /11:00pm EST
646-519-5830 (pin 7244#)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Take Advantage Of The Tax Savings For A Home Based Business !

Did you know that as a Home Based Business owner, you can utilize current tax strategies to save a substantial amount of money every year ?

These strategies are legal, moral and ethical and available to you as a Home Based Business owner. The #1 expense we all have is taxes, which exceed all other personal expenses.

But, the tax laws are very favorable if you have a legitimate side business that you treat as a real business and not just a hobby.

4 of the key components you will find when you look at the very wealthy are the following...

1) the wealthy are able to get their taxes down to the legal minimum.

2) the vast majority (85%) of the wealthiest people are average people just like you and I. The difference is that they manage to accomplish #1 above and they save a minimum of 10% of their take home pay each pay period...savers become wealthy !

3) the wealthy diversify their income.

4) the wealthy are ALWAYS learning...they take courses, attend seminars, etc. to enhance their skills and to acquire new skills.

When you join iLearningGlobal, as a Marketer you will be accomplishing these major objectives...

1) you WILL receive the best training and success mentoring you can find anywhere, so that you can gain access to current and relevant knowledge and skills training in leadership development, time management, sales training, entrepreneurship, interpersonal skills and money management, plus many other life altering areas. This training will be available with unlimited access 24/7 from the comfort of your own home or anywhere you have a computer.

2) you Will have a home based business that will help you to develop residual income or extra income that you can invest wisely or save. At ILG, we want all of our customers and marketers to become "money smart."

3) As a Marketer or customer, you will have unlimited access to one of the top tax experts, Sandy Botkin, (a faculty favorite) whose comprehensive program will teach you how to get your taxes down to the legal minimum, which will save you a substantial amount of money.

So, from the tax savings advantage alone, you can see how your investment of $79.95/mo is a "money smart" investment.

You are invited to visit the following site to learn more about this incredible opportunity.There are several intro videos that you can view using the channel selector...


You are also invited to take a visitor tour where you can you can view samples of the premium content you will have access to in hundreds of titles once you join

You can also view the full bio of Sandy Botkin and all of our other esteemed faculty. You can sign up to receive your Video Of The Week.. a fr*ee weekly video delivered directly to your inbox.
Preview the Video Theater, Audio Theater, and E-brary now at...


You will need to download the video player so your computer will be updated with best streaming video available.

There are 2 Corporate-sponsored conference calls. Join us for whichever is more convenient...
Dial: 1-646-519-5830 Code: 6486#

ILG Opportunity call is every Tuesday at 9pm EST = 6pm PST
ILG Speaker (Faculty Focus) call is every Saturday at noon EST = 9am PST

To Your Success!


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

You Are Invited To Join Us For An Opportunity Call

Hi Everyone,

You are invited to join us for the following opportunity/conference calls. Feel free to invite a guest if you think they may be interested in learning more about iLearningGlobal.

We have an opportunity call EVERY Tuesday at 9 PM EST/ 6 PM PST(646) 519-5830 Pin 6486#

If you are an iLearningGlobal Marketer or thinking about becoming a member of our awesome community, you will find that it is very easy to invite a guest or prospect to an opportunity call and let them hear about all of the benefits of becoming an ILG customer or Marketer.

We also have a Faculty Focus call every Saturday, where you are able to hear a different faculty member speak. They will discuss what attracted them to iLearningGlobal and what they will be able to offer you, as a customer or Marketer. Find out who these faculty members are and why their lessons and training will help you develop and refine your business skills to make you more successful at anything you choose to do.

These experts will teach you the secrets of creating wealth, while improving your relationships and your life.

Please join us EVERY Saturday ..12 noon est/ 9am pst
iLG Faculty Focus Call and Training
Call in #: 646-519-5830 Caller Pin #: 6486#

Join us on...
Saturday, November 8th..12 noon est/ 9am pst
Corporate Faculty Focus Call Hosted by Kevin Allen
This week’s guest is iLG faculty favorite “Trapper Woods”
(646) 519-5830 (pin 6486#)

If you have any questions, please contact...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Your 4 Steps To Success

Now, let's take a look at how easy it is to promote the iLearningGlobal opportunity...

Generally, there are many challenges associated with marketing and promoting a business venture. You certainly want to market to your target audience and get your opportunity in front of as many eyes as possible.

Many people in network marketing don't feel comfortable contacting people and bothering their warm market ( family, friends, relatives, etc. ) Many people don't feel comfortable showing plans, hosting parties, cold calling leads, etc.

So, how is ILG different ?

iLearningGlobal grows by referral marketing when one satisfied customer or marketer refers another. You simply invite people to see your web site, join ILG and take full advantage of the tremendous benefit of...

our life altering videos and other educational products or they may be interested in our referral opportunity. We pay you for people that you refer, and for people they refer, and for people they refer, and on and on.

The iLearningGlobal opportunity consists of 4 simple steps that anyone can master. Let's take a closer look...

1) Learning To Invite...

You will be inviting prospects both through your online efforts as well as offline and you will be trained by the best of the best...your ILG faculty members who have learned over the course of 20 - 30 years of working with Fortune 100 Companies and have trained employees of Fortune 100 companies.

The art of inviting can be very effective if done properly. We will help you to overcome any fear or nervousness that you may have and to master this skill.

You will send prospects to your own “Marketer” ILG site where you invite people to see, sample, and join ILG right there, and they are automatically linked to you as the referrer.

The main goal is to find a way you are comfortable inviting others to look at iLearningGlobal (ILG). You will have a variety of ways to approach people, based upon the various benefits associated with ILG.

Depending on who you are chatting with, your prospect may be interested in the ILG income opportunity, or it may be our our life-changing content, or possibly you have someone that is interested in the home based business aspect of ILG with the tax advantages that come with a home based business. It may also be a combination of all of the above.

Be assured, through the ongoing training that you have unlimited access to 24/ will gain the skills and the confidence to share this exciting opportunity with many people.

2) Presentation...

So, you have now simply invited prospects to your marketer site...


and to your site to Preview the Video Theater, Audio Theater, and E-brary at...


Now, you let your expert faculty who train Fortune 100 companies to do effective presentations do what they do best... PRESENT for you.

This is not just your upline speaking to your prospect or you on a 3 way call with your upline and your prospect (which is very effective in network marketing) These are the top business and personal development trainers in the world presenting your business for you....and they are available in incredible high definition 24/7 at your own website !

During the visit to your marketer website, your guests will view intro videos that will showcase the ILG opportunity and the tremendous benefit that it provides to anyone that wants to improve their business, family, or personal life.

It does not matter what you are already doing - iLearningGlobal will help you do it better.

Then your guests will be able to preview several videos with our ground breaking technology and outstanding content.

The presentation continues as you invite your guests to Two Corporate-sponsored conference calls...

ILG opportunity call

Every Tuesday at 9 pm EST / 6 pm PST

Dial: 1-646-519-5830

Code: 6486#

ILG Speaker call

Saturday at noon EST / 9am PST

Dial: 1-646-519-5830

Code: 6486#

3) Follow Up and Close...

Again, you will be learning these valuable skills from your "Masters"

Many times it is difficult to know the right words and you certainly don't want to scare away a prospect by saying the wrong thing.

But, you can certainly say very basic phrases to your prospects, such as...
“Do you like this idea?” or “How does this look to you?”

Then “If it looks good, why don’t you give it a try for a month? If you don’t like it quit. If you do like it, then I’ll help you all the way.”

There is no risk... $79.95 for a customer and $110 for a Marketer to try it for a month is the total risk.

If all they do is take advantage of the tax strategies, your prospect will likely save many times that. The upside for your prospect is this will dramatically improve their life, and the lives of the people they care about – both personally and financially.

But, the good news is... you have unlimited access to the top experts that will help you to develop these essential skills and teach you new skills that will enable you to "master" the art of follow up and closing.

While follow up is a key element of this process, until you are comfortable with your new skill set, many of your prospects will likely join your business after attending the opportunity calls and the faculty focus calls, where they will hear about all of the features and benefits of joining this great opportunity direct from the top mentors in the world.

4) Duplication...

All you have to do is start the process over again. Take the above steps and apply them to your new prospects and you will soon see how truly easy this business model is.

Then, you show your downline how to do the same thing. It is a simple 4 step process and one that can easily be duplicated.

Our growth strategy is the “Power of 5.” You sponsor 5 people who like to learn. Help each of them find 5 people who like to learn, and each of them find 5 people who like to learn.

If you continue to duplicate that proven process, you will achieve all of your financial and personal goals.

Also, you can actually have more or less than 5 on your first level, but our primary business building strategy is the Power of 5.

You are invited to visit the following site to learn more about this incredible opportunity...


You are also invited to take a visitor tour where you can view samples of the premium content you will have access to in hundreds of titles once you join

Preview the Video Theater, Audio Theater, and E-brary now at...

You will need to download the video player so your computer will be updated with best streaming video available.

Here's to your success,


"spend as much time working on yourself as you do on your job." ...Jim Rohn

Friday, October 3, 2008

Can A Digital Online Education Product Actually Be Consumable ?

You always hear and read about Network marketers and MLMers going on about the importance of selling or referring a consumable product or service.

This is certainly important if you want more than just a one time sale. If you want loyal repeat customers and distributors that will remain with the company and in your downline for the long haul...then you want a quality product line that can be re-ordered every month.

Now, most people don't think of a digital product when they think of a consumable product. If it's not a lotion, potion, pill or juice that you can clearly are you going to be in a position to order every month without building a large amount of inventory in your home ?

Well, a digital online education product like those offered by iLearning Global might be the very best type of consumable product of all...

Why ?

Let's take a look at my top 3 reasons...

  • No worries about the product taking up too much is delivered to you in an amazing High Definition full screen video format, available 24/7 in the comfort of your own home.
  • No worries about shipping and handling charges that add to your monthly cost.
  • You receive a personal development and training product that has new content continually being added that you are going to want to consume ( with your mind and your heart ) day after day and month after month, if you truly want to become successful.

Especially now, during tough economic times...success training and mentoring has never been more important to gain the competitive edge and continually learn the skills you need to guarantee your success.

You will not only be helping others to receive the valuable training they need for success, but when you refer members to iLearning Global, you will build a residual income.

Here are some of the channels that are currently available to you at iLearningGlobal...

  • Personal Development
  • Sales & Sales Management
  • Entrepreneurialism
  • Tax Reduction Strategies
  • Goal Setting
  • Balance
  • Leadership That Inspires
  • Negotiation
  • Selling with Success
  • Networking
  • Customer Service
  • Communication
  • Climbing the Ladder
  • Speaking to Win
  • Meetings that Motivate

Plus, Steve Andersen, the director of one of the top teen education and motivation programs in the country will be filming specialized, exclusive videos featuring their high valued programs for teens.

You are invited to visit the following site to learn more about this incredible opportunity...

==> ( you can choose from several different intro. videos )

You are also invited to take a visitor tour where you can you can view samples of the premium content you will have access to in hundreds of titles once you join

Preview the Video Theater, Audio Theater, and E-brary now at...


You will need to download the video player so your computer will be updated with best streaming video available.

To your success,


"spend as much time working on yourself as you do on your job." ...Jim Rohn

If you enjoyed this post get free updates via email or RSS at the top of the page.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

iLearningGlobal Offers Real Value !

One thing you surely can't dispute is the outstanding value offered by iLearningGlobal...many Network Marketing companies and MLM's that sell a product, whether it be a lotion, potion or pill will take that product and add a substantial mark-up.

Even though distributors may receive a discounted Associate or distributor price, the price you pay for a product from your Network Marketing or MLM company is generally an inflated price.

But, that is how the company will generate revenue to payout commissions to their distributors for product movement, whether it is from personal consumption, downline or customer sales.

However, iLearningGlobal can do just the opposite in this age of digital products. There is no manufacturing cost, no warehousing, no shipping and handling costs, no packaging, etc...

So, we can take a product ( top notch business and personal development training and education)
offered by the very best leaders, trainers, mentors and wealth builders in the world today that you would pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to see at a seminar and....

make it affordable for everyone at just $79.95/mo.

Just think about that...continuous education on a daily basis where you receive Personal development and quality business training, which has never been more important than it is today. Plus, delivers the best to you 24/7 from the comfort of your own home with Unlimited Access.

Through our online education portal, individuals gain access to current and relevant knowledge and skills training in leadership development, time management, sales training, entrepreneurship, interpersonal skills and money management.

This type of success training and mentoring removes every type of MLM stigma and brings individuals into this business that normally wouldn't even consider MLM.

It is one thing to have a great upline who will train you how to market your opportunity and drive traffic to your website and get exposure for your business opportunity....but it is quite another to be able to receive the very best business and personal development training from world renowned wealth builders that WILL help to make you a SUCCESS at whatever you do.

Check out iLearningGlobal at...

==> ( you can choose from 4 different intro. videos )

You are also invited to take a visitor tour where you can you can view samples of the premium content you will have access to in hundreds of titles once you join

Preview the Video Theater, Audio Theater, and E-brary now at...


You will need to download the video player so your computer will be updated with best streaming video available.

To your success,


"spend as much time working on yourself as you do on your job." ...Jim Rohn

If you enjoyed this post get free updates via email or RSS at the top of the page.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Please Join Us For An Opportunity Call

Hi Everyone,

You are invited to join us for the following opportunity/conference calls. Feel free to invite a guest if you think they may be interested in learning more about iLearningGlobal.

We have an opportunity call EVERY Tuesday at 9 PM EST/ 6 PM PST
(646) 519-5830 Pin 6486#

Here is our schedule of calls this upcoming week...

Tuesday, September 30th..9 pm est/ 6pm pst
ILG Corporate Opportunity Conference Call Hosted by Kevin Allen with Guest Presenter iLG Master Distributor Randy Ostrom
Call in #: 646-519-5830 Caller Pin #: 6486#

Thursday, October 2nd..9 pm est/ 6pm pst
iLG Opportunity Conference Call Hosted by Cort Davies with Special Guest Speaker Brian Tracy
Call in #: 212-461-5800 Caller Pin #: 1002#

Saturday, October 4th..12 noon est/ 9am pst
iLG Faculty Focus Call and Training With Guest Faculty Presenter Tony Alessandra
Call in #: 646-519-5830 Caller Pin #: 6486#

If you have any questions, please contact...


Meet The Faculty

Now, it is time to meet our amazing faculty. Folks, this is just the beginning as the faculty is continually growing. It can cost thousands of dollars to receive training from the "Masters" if you attend their seminars.

Now, you can have unlimited access 24/7 to some of their very best content in convenient 7-15 minute modules. You don't have to listen to speakers and trainers for 60 minutes and feverishly take notes and miss much of the seminar.

You don't have to try to figure out your notes later to see what is actually important. In these 7-15 minutes segments, you will be able to absorb all of the information and there will be only solid content.

Now, you will be able to learn from the experts and apply what you learn.

I read in another blog post that a recent article indicated only 4% of attendees at seminars and conferences actually apply what they learned. So, the question is...Why would someone pay good money to attend a seminar or conference and not apply it ?

Repitition is needed... You need to see something over and over, and hear it over and over, for it to become meaningful and part of your life.

Now, you can Learn from the Experts and you can view it over and over and over until it becomes part of your life.

Let's meet some of those experts that you will have access to...

1) Brian Tracy...
Brian Tracy's goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined.Brian Tracy has consulted for more than 1,000 companies and addressed more than 4,000,000 people in 4,000 talks and seminars throughout the US, Canada and 40 other countries worldwide. As a Keynote speaker and seminar leader, he addresses more than 250,000 people each year.

2) Dr. Tony Alessandra... helps companies build customers, relationships, and the bottom-line. Companies learn how to achieve market dominance through specific strategies designed to outmarket, outsell, and outservice the competition.

3) Sanford C. Botkin... Attorney and Certified Public Accountant is Chief Executive Officer and Principal Lecturer of the Tax Reduction Institute based in the Washington, D.C. area.During the past twenty five years, Mr. Botkin has taught thousands of taxpayers how to save millions on their taxes at his seminars around the country. He consistently earns rave reviews for his clear and humorous presentations.

4) Omar Periu... is a man of power whose life story is truly remarkable. Omar is more than a motivator; his peers refer to him as the "The Motivational Teacher." Possessing an indefinable quality of magnetism, Omar brings audiences to their feet. Although the terms "dynamic," "high energy", and "super achiever" all describe Omar Periu as he is today, they aren't exactly the words which portrayed the results accomplished early in his career.

5) Mark Victor Hansen...You may know Mark as “that Chicken Soup for the Soul guy.” A cultural icon started in 1990, Mark and his business partner Jack Canfield created what TIME magazine called, “the publishing phenomenon of the decade.” With more than 110 million Chicken Soup for the Soul books sold around the world and over 40 licensed products in the marketplace, it is one of the most successful publishing franchises in the world today.

6) Bob Proctor...For 40 years, Bob Proctor has focused his entire agenda around helping people create lush lives of prosperity, rewarding relationships and spiritual awareness.

7) Jim Britt... entrepreneur, author, speaker, and peak performance specialist, is a seasoned organizational executive, noted success advisor, and an internationally recognized leader in the field of personal-empowerment and peak performance training.

8) Patricia Fripp... CSP, CPAE is an award-winning speaker, author, sales presentation trainer and in-demand speech coach. Her speech-coaching clients include corporate leaders, celebrity speakers, well-known sports and media personalities, ministers and sales teams.

9) T. Harv Eker...Using the principles he teaches, T. Harv Eker went from zero to millionaire in only 2 1/2 years! He combines a unique brand of 'street-smarts with heart'. T. Harv Eker is the founder and president of Peak Potentials Training, the fastest growing personal development company in North America.

10) Dan Clark... is CEO of a multi-million dollar corporation, an internationally recognized speaker, entertainer, songwriter, recording artist and New York Times bestselling author. Since 1982, Dan has spoken to more than 3 million people in over 4,000 audiences, in all 50 states, and in 30 foreign countries. Achievers North America and Achievers Europe named Dan Clark one of the Top Ten Speakers in the World.

Well, this is just for starters...there are many others and more joining the faculty. The faculty is awesome and the training will be life altering.

Go to the following website to see the full bios of the above faculty and the bios of some of the other faculty members that have already joined the ranks...


To your success,


"spend as much time working on yourself as you do on your job." ... Jim Rohn

* If you enjoyed this post get free updates via email or RSS at the top of the page.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Do You Have 7-15 Minutes A Day For 30 Days ?

I'm sure you have heard the expression, " the more you learn, the more you earn. "

Well, it is not only true, but has never been more important than it is today. To be successful, it is very important to have continuous education on a daily basis.

With the amazing faculty at iLearningGlobal, which is continually are able to access an amazing Hi-Definition, full screen video format of a full library of online education
material in convenient 7 to 15 minute segments. Since you can access the training 24/7 with unlimited access, you will now be able to receive that critical training and education as often as you like.

The training and education portals can be accessed in a variety of ways, so that you can choose how you want to be presented with this content, so you can learn in the way you feel most comfortable.

Everyone can find 7 to 15 minutes a day to invest in themselves to become more successful in their careers and personal lives.

Join ILG and watch just one video a day for 30 days ( 7-15 minutes a day) and you WILL become passionate about this program or you can cancel your membership with no questions asked.

You are invited to visit the following site to learn more about this incredible opportunity...


You are also invited to take a visitor tour where you can you can view samples of the premium content you will have access to in hundreds of titles once you join

Preview the Video Theater, Audio Theater, and E-brary now at...


You will need to download the video player so your computer will be updated with best streaming video available.

To your success,

"spend as much time working on yourself as you do on your job." ...Jim Rohn

If you enjoyed this post get free updates via email or RSS at the top of the page.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

How Do I Access Content With iLearningGlobal ?

Not everyone learns at the same speed or learns best from the same medium. At iLearningGlobal, you can choose the way you want to access the content. Are you a visual person and find it easier to learn when you view problem.

Do you prefer to listen via audio ?...Again, no problem. Below you can see the various ways that you can access the growing content that is available to customers and marketers 24/7...

1) iLearningGlobal Video Theater:
The iLearningGlobal video theater brings the worlds top speakers and trainers directly to you on your personal computer or laptop in a way that you’ve never seen them before! Full screen, high definition video!

You can access valuable video training lessons at your convenience and learn at your own speed. New video is filmed in the iLearningGlobal studios and added on a weekly basis focusing on the current topics relevant to today.

We are committed to bringing you the best and most relevant learning content that truly helps you to improve your life and surpass your goals!

2) iLearningGlobal Audio Theater:
The iLearningGlobal Audio Theater is a growing library of audio learning programs from our star faculty members. Listen to valuable audio programs directly from your PC or laptop at your convenience. Within the audio theater you will also find a “Monthly Downloads” section where you can download select audio programs to your mobile device or MP3 player.

3) iLearningGlobal E-brary:
The iLearningGlobal E-brary features e-books for you to read at your convenience from your laptop or PC. Expand your learning by utilizing the “Monthly Download” section to load the featured e-books to your mobile devices for on-the-go reading.

4) Guided Education Path:
The iLearningGlobal Guided Education Path will feature a monthly course focused on a Leadership topic. With a combination of video, audio, reading materials, action steps, and quizzes… each course provides a educational experience to help you maximize your learning and retention.

5) Faculty Blogs:
The Faculty Blogs section will allow faculty members to share their daily experiences, thoughts, and ideas with the iLearningGlobal Community. Whether on the road or at home, our star faculty members will drop in to share spontaneous bits of wisdom and most likely some humor as well.

You can now Learn from the can view it over and over and over until it becomes part of your life.

If you’re a serious leader, or want to change your life, go to...


view the info and then get back to me at..

I will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

To your success,
(973) 879-1627

"spend as much time working on yourself as you do on your job." ...Jim Rohn

Sunday, September 21, 2008

iLearningGlobal Will Help You Benefit From Current Internet Trends

If you are a regular visitor to the Internet or subscribe to any number of Internet related newsletters or just like to read about or view current trends both online and offline, then you are certainly aware of some of the hottest trends.

Now, you may be wondering how iLearningGlobal can help you to prosper from these trends...

Well, let's take a look at a few of the top trends in no particular order.

1) Online video viewing...Americans viewed more than 11.4 billion videos - more than 40% of them on Google’s YouTube - for a total duration of 558 million hours of online video viewing in July 2008, according to data from the comScore Video Metrix service. This trend is growing every month and iLearningGlobal's Vision is to offer the world’s best online learning experience for individuals, organizations, business owners, entrepreneurs and salespeople.

There has been a Technology shift in online video viewing...viewing videos on the Internet is only a technology that has been available to us for the past 3 years. Most of us are accustomed to viewing videos in a small 3" box on our computers and then have to deal with the constant filtering and buffering that takes place.

Well, The portal provides the convergence of the most advanced Internet based video technology, expert content in easy-to-follow segments, providing our members what they need to achieve their financial goals. iLearningGlobal is the first-to-market with Hi-Def delivery of a full library of online education material in convenient 7 to 15 minute segments.

The iLearningGlobal video theater brings the worlds top speakers and trainers directly to you on your personal computer or laptop in a way that you’ve never seen them before! Full screen, high definition video! You can access valuable video training lessons at your convenience and learn at your own speed.

2) Online education...there is now a tremendous offering of online degrees, online programs, online courses, online Colleges and Universities, as there is a tremendous demand for this type of product that is now available in the digital era. These courses provide education in the areas of business operations, people, customer relationship, leadership, and business management and many other relevant topics. But, these online courses are also quite costly to pursue.

Through the online education portal, individuals gain access to current and relevant knowledge and skills training, provided by today’s Masters in leadership development, time management, sales training, entrepreneurship, interpersonal skills and money management.

iLearningGlobal reintroduces th apprenticeship concept for a new generation of business leaders and entrepreneurs. The website also provides a vehicle to preserve the classics in sales training skills while creating a new forum for their viewing.

The cost...only $79.95/mo for unlimited access 24/7.

3) Secondary Income... due to the current state of the economy and rising consumer prices and costs and rising unemployment rates, etc....there is an increased need in many households to bring in additional income. Most families require two incomes to afford a comfortable lifestyle.

Additionally, the cost of college tuition is increasing every year, causing more students to pursue work part time at home to pay off loans and debts.

The average family may want to pay off debts, go on vacation, or perform some much needed repairs to your home or family car, to mention a few.

So, now the question is...what do you do ?

Do you send your spouse back into the work force, do you take on a second job ?

4) Home Based Business...the number of people starting a home based business is growing dramatically every year. Many home based businesses allow you to work part-time in order to earn a supplemental income or a long term residual income.

No matter what your passion is, you can find a home based business to satisfy that passion and enable you to earn additional income. Many people are looking for income to pay off some debt or planning for retirement or paying off school loans. But, whatever type of extra income you need, a home based business has become the chosen vehicle to reach that goal.

It has never been easier to get started in a home based business than it is today. Of course, there are many different business models to choose from and at varying costs to start up and to operate from month to month.

When you decide to invest in yourself just as you would with a gym membership, the portal will provide you with the most advanced Internet based video technology and expert content in easy-to-follow segments. This will provide you and all of our members what they need to achieve their financial goals.

You can join as a customer and learn the valuable skills that you need in order to earn additional income or you can join as a Marketer and earn extra income working from the comfort of your own home.

You can capitalize on the home based business phenomena by joining iLearningGlobal, where there is a minimal up front cost to get started ( $30.00) and a modest monthly cost of $79.95.
You can create a significant residual monthly income and build a considerable business, based on the products and services offered by

This is an opportunity where the product you sell actually trains you to become more successful and allows you to earn an additional stream of income.

You are invited to visit the following site to learn more about this incredible opportunity...


You are also invited to take a visitor tour where you can you can view samples of the premium content you will have access to in hundreds of titles once you join

Preview the Video Theater, Audio Theater, and E-brary now at...


You will need to download the video player so your computer will be updated with best streaming video available.

Here's to your success,

"spend as much time working on yourself as you do on your job." ...Jim Rohn

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What Can iLearningGlobal Do For You ?

Well, if you want the answer to that question first hand from one of our growing list of esteemed faculty members....join us for an opportunity call EVERY Tuesday evening at 9 PM EST...6 PM PST
Please join us and see what all the excitement is about at...(646) 519-5830 Pin# 6486#
Join won't be sorry !

Here are the top 5 reasons why you want to consider joining iLearningGlobal...

1) Amazing Personal can truly change lives and NOT just your own. You can make a difference by helping others become more successful at whatever they choose. Become a better spouse, sibling, parent, child, Manager, employee, etc. Do you own a business and want to take it to the next level ? We will give you the tools.

2) Amazing Business Opportunity... Personal development and quality business training has never been more important than it is today. delivers the best to you 24/7 from the comfort of your own home ! This business WILL fit well with any business that you may already be involved in. This opportunity is a ground floor opportunity utilizing ground breaking technology with explosive growth potential.

3) Amazing Product...over 100 Billion Dollars is spent annually on personal development products. Success in Internet Marketing and the offline world is all about training and learning from the experts. Imagine an opportunity where the product you sell actually trains you to become more successful ! Our “Product” is the very product our customers/sales teams- even our corporate executives- will be using. This type of offering is the first of its kind, available to the Network and Affiliate Marketing environment. iLearningGlobal's Vision is to offer the world’s best online learning experience for individuals, organizations, business owners, entrepreneurs and salespeople.

4) Amazing Faculty...the tremendous growth that ILG has experienced during their pre-launch in the first year is due in large part to the addition of some of the top success and business trainers in the world that see the undeniable benefits and value of the ILG business and have become part of the esteemed faculty.
The High-definition video training system features the top trainers, including Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor of The Secret, Harv Eker, Mark Victor Hansen,Tony Alessandra, Richard Paul Evans, Sandy Botkin and many more, that is accessible 24/7 on your computer or mobile phone. With an array of trainers like that,ILG is destined to emerge as one of the top Home Based business opportunities that exist today. Plus the impressive list of trainers is growing daily.

5) Amazing Technology Breakthrough...we are the first-to-market with Hi-Def delivery of a full library of online education material in convenient 7 to 15 minute segments. ( No Fluff, just Solid Content )

iLearningGlobal Video Theater: The iLearningGlobal video theater brings the worlds top speakers and trainers directly to you on your personal computer or laptop in a way that you’ve never seen them before! Full screen, high definition video! You can access valuable video training lessons at your convenience and learn at your own speed. No more buffering and filtering and straining to watch video in a small 3" box. You can experience this incredible "new"
technology for yourself during our visitor tour below.

I invite you to take a NO OBLIGATION visitor tour where you can view samples of the premium content you will have access to...

==> Learn More about the opportunity

==> Take the visitor tour and view content

Here's to your success,


"spend as much time working on yourself as you do on your job." ...Jim Rohn

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Smart Way To Continue Learning For Long Term Success

People all over the world are becoming increasingly more aware that they must continue learning and educating themselves throughout their lives in order to achieve long-term success in the field of their choice.

In certain fields, such as medicine and the sciences some individuals continue their formal learning and education well beyond the path they started at an early age. Many continue their formal learning for an additional 10 - 20 years, sometimes more.

Unfortunately, most of the working class today regardless of the level of education that they achieve still often find themselves lacking a certain type of learning....the type of learning that will empower them and give them the confidence and resources to take the necessary risks that will reward them both in their career path and their earning potential.

For example, an MBA degree will certainly add value to your ability to get hired by an employer. But, the question remains....where do you go to fulfill your ambition or to develop your competitive skills ?

What if you want to improve your sales and performance skills or become more successful at time management or become an entrepreneur ? These practical applications are still limited, even though there has been a tremendous growth in Internet based communications and tools.

Today, the apprenticeship of yesterday has evolved. Now, we have shorter term, expensive "post graduate" programs offered by institutions of higher learning. There are also Corporations that have programs designed to develop leaders or you can travel around the country attending seminars.

However, the cost and time that is needed and the fact that it may be quite inconvenient has made it quite difficult for most to participate in these programs. Sadly, you now have a potentially successful business leader without the proper tools and resources to further his or her career.

So, that being said...where does that leave us ?

We are now in the Digital Age, where the Internet dominates every aspect of access to information ranging from entertainment to communications and it is immediately available to the masses.

The Future Of Online Learning is here...

Today, the trend is growing through various online education portals, where individuals gain access to current and relevant knowledge and skills training, provided by today's Masters in leadership development, time management, sales training, entrepreneurship, interpersonal skills and money management.

== > See for yourself

To your success,


P.S. in the next post, we will go into more detail of what iLearningglobal can do for you !

Saturday, September 13, 2008

BookWise Announces Merger With iLearningGlobal

The BookWise revolution, is about changing lives around the world by enabling people to dramatically improve their minds and finances.  Unfortunately the BookWise battlefield isn't growing.  There have been too many changes.  

Those of us involved and dedicated to BookWise are saddened by this fact. However, the leaders of BookWise that we have come to know and trust have found a remarkable solution.  

We've merged BookWise with an exciting NEW Network Marketing company, a company called  

iLearningGlobal is a revolutionary success mentoring company, utilizing the power of online learning with an incredible compensation plan, higher payout and international opportunities. It is well funded and run by experienced network marketing gurus: John McLelland of NuSkin and author, lecturer Brian Tracy. The company is currently in pre-launch phase and poised to explode.

Prospects can join as customers or marketers and the cost is just $79.95/mo.  A person can create significant residual monthly income and build a considerable business, based on the products and services offered by 

In the days, weeks and months to come I will be sharing more information about this outstanding company and awesome opportunity.

To your success,


Saturday, February 9, 2008

Network Marketers Are Adding BookWise To Their Existing Business

So, why are existing Network Marketers that have a Primary business anxious to join BookWise ?

Well, actually it is quite simple....many network marketing companies and mentoring groups encourage their members to read for their continuing business education. So, if you have to buy books..why not buy books from your own business !

So, BookWise has become a natural add-on for network marketers. There are no conflicts with existing MLM companies, and BookWise is a unique combination of a book club and a home based business opportunity where you gain true financial independence through the power of residual income.

BookWise is a SUCCESS Company, that will enrich, enlighten and empower your life through weekly training programs from world renowned experts. These experts will teach you the secrets of creating wealth, while improving your relationships and your life.

Co-Founder Robert Allen introduced the concept of an enlightened company during his One Minute Millionaire and Multiple Streams of Income courses.

Today, you find many Network Marketers adding more opportunities to their arsenal to create those multiple streams of income.

So, if you consider the affordable $39.95 per month and add to that the incredible "bundle of benefits" that ALL BookWise Associates are entitled is easy to see why BookWise is becoming so popular with Network Marketers.

Plus, let's not forget that many Marketers have made BookWise their Primary opportunity because of the tremendous resources, systems, training, products and leadership.

The training and mentoring received by BookWise Associates has helped members to become more successful with their other streams of income. Most companies don't offer the support and training that you receive from BookWise. So, this exclusive training will prepare you for all of your Network Marketing and Internet Marketing pursuits.

You can learn more about this unique opportunity by taking the No Obligation BookWise tour.

Here's to your success,


" you can have everything in life you want, if you help enough other people get what they want." ...ZigZiglar

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

BookWise Reaches A Milestone

As BookWise gets ready to celebrate one year since their launch, it is clear to see that BookWise has emerged as one of the top Home Based business opportunities that exist today.
In traditional Internet marketing, most prospects have to be exposed to your product or service on average 7 times before they are ready to buy. But, the first time a prospect sees the bundle of benefits and the modest cost, combined with the low risk and high potential reward they are quick to join BookWise.

BookWise has been a tremendous home based business opportunity since the launch of the Network Marketing business in January 2007. But, back at the start the bundle of benefits wasn't quite what it is now. But, still very impressive.

But, today we thank Richard Paul Evans, #1 bestselling author and Founder of BookWise. With the help of a dream team of business experts, he developed a revolutionary way to build a home-based business and at the same time a way to develop and enhance personal intellect and well-being and build a better world.

The BookWise Founders are more than a just dream team of business leaders and authors... they are a group of men committed to helping hundreds of thousands of individuals realize their greatest potential through books.

Back on October 19-20 at the 1st Annual BookWise Convention, the "New Chapter" began for all BookWise Associates as 17 Major Announcements were made to further benefit ALL BookWise Associates.

When I first joined BookWise back in July, 2007 I was excited about the potential to build my personal library and at the same time build residual income. Soon after I joined, BookWise announced that there would be a zero qualification plan to become commission qualified, so everyone will make money. Little did I know that not long after that would be the 17 Major Announcements made at the Convention. This business just keeps on getting bigger and better.

Let's take a look at some of those 17 Major Announcements which are in addition to the already amazing bundle of benefits.

1)The BookWise Catalog now has:

* 1,500,000 Books (That's one and one half million!)
* 130,000 Music CDs
* Thousands Movie DVDs
* Hundreds of Hot Video Games

This is through a Partnership with Baker & Taylor (the world's LARGEST Book Distribution Company)

2) All orders are processed immediately. BookWise will serve our customers from 9 regional distribution points. This means it will be:

* Quicker
* Cheaper
* Allow shipment options

3) We now offer College Text Books. In fact we have over 80% of all the text college text books used at colleges throughout the United States.

4) BookWise Associates will have an AMAZING new BookWise Book Store Website. BookWise gets the same discounts as the Major book distributors, so we can offer the same discounts....WITHOUT AN ANNUAL FEE. Each Independent distributor can sell all Books at 20% off suggested retail and 42% off designated Best Sellers.

5) In addition to the current charitable endeavors at BookWise, one percent (1%) of the profit from the Books that we sell through our Book Store will go to charity.

6) BookWise Associates will now make 50% of the profit on all books sold through our enhanced website.

7) Wisdom Link...BookWise Associates will be able to access over 350,000 of the great literary works of mankind and original source documents. All of this as part of our BookWise Associate Membership.

8) Transformation Programs...
* HeartWin - Seminar Series to help build and strengthen relationships.
* WealthWin - The Wealth enhancing seminar Series.
* YouWin - A seminar series designed to improve the inner you and how you feel about yourself.

9) Successful People Seminars...
BookWise will have regional events featuring great authors and motivational speakers.

10) QuickWise Training...Robert Allen and Richard Paul Evans will be your guide to getting started at BookWise.

11) BookWise is opening up the Canadian market in the 2nd quarter of 2008.

12) WriteWise...BookWise has also started a publishing house that will work in conjunction with the WriterWise program, which represents a phenomenal opportunity for both those who want to be not only a published author but an author who has sold at least 10,000 books. The WriterWise program is a fast track program designed by Richard and Paul Evans, the founder of BookWise (The 5 Lessons a Millionaire Taught Me) along with Robert Allen (Multiple Streams of Income).

We urge you to join with us to promote literacy, build a personal library, and achieve financial can take the NO OBLIGATION BookWise tour at:

Get the free eBook: “Extreme Network Marketing Success” - The secret formula for financial prosperity, written by Robert Allen....Just for taking the Tour.

I will be happy to help anyone who is interested in learning more.

To Your Success,
