Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Smart Way To Continue Learning For Long Term Success

People all over the world are becoming increasingly more aware that they must continue learning and educating themselves throughout their lives in order to achieve long-term success in the field of their choice.

In certain fields, such as medicine and the sciences some individuals continue their formal learning and education well beyond the path they started at an early age. Many continue their formal learning for an additional 10 - 20 years, sometimes more.

Unfortunately, most of the working class today regardless of the level of education that they achieve still often find themselves lacking a certain type of learning....the type of learning that will empower them and give them the confidence and resources to take the necessary risks that will reward them both in their career path and their earning potential.

For example, an MBA degree will certainly add value to your ability to get hired by an employer. But, the question remains....where do you go to fulfill your ambition or to develop your competitive skills ?

What if you want to improve your sales and performance skills or become more successful at time management or become an entrepreneur ? These practical applications are still limited, even though there has been a tremendous growth in Internet based communications and tools.

Today, the apprenticeship of yesterday has evolved. Now, we have shorter term, expensive "post graduate" programs offered by institutions of higher learning. There are also Corporations that have programs designed to develop leaders or you can travel around the country attending seminars.

However, the cost and time that is needed and the fact that it may be quite inconvenient has made it quite difficult for most to participate in these programs. Sadly, you now have a potentially successful business leader without the proper tools and resources to further his or her career.

So, that being said...where does that leave us ?

We are now in the Digital Age, where the Internet dominates every aspect of access to information ranging from entertainment to communications and it is immediately available to the masses.

The Future Of Online Learning is here...

Today, the trend is growing through various online education portals, where individuals gain access to current and relevant knowledge and skills training, provided by today's Masters in leadership development, time management, sales training, entrepreneurship, interpersonal skills and money management.

== > See for yourself

To your success,


P.S. in the next post, we will go into more detail of what iLearningglobal can do for you !

1 comment:

Inspire Wisdom said...

Hi Marc,

Great Blog. ILG is a wonderful way to stay motivated each day.

Stay in touch.