Saturday, November 29, 2008

How Important Are The Relationships In Your Life ?


If you are like me, then the answer is that nothing is more important.

Today I listened to Dr. John Gray speak (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus)...
The #1 best selling relationship book of the last decade. In the past 10 years, over 30 million "Mars and Venus" books have been sold in over 40 languages throughout the world.

John is one of the foremost authorities on communication and relationships and is internationally recognized. His main focus is on assisting men and women to understand, respect and appreciate their differences. John also does great work in assisting parents to better understand their children and develop stronger relationships.

Now, of course we all want financial security so that we can provide for those who we have the closest relationship with...our spouse, our children, our parents, etc.

As a parent, we always want our children to have what we didn't have growing up. To have more than we had. Even if you had a wonderful life growing up and had everything you ever wanted, you still want your kids to have more.

If you are like me and didn't have too many material things growing up, then you certainly want your children to surpass you. As a husband, I certainly want to be the best provider I can be for my wife. As a son myself, I want to be in a position financially to be able to help the people that brought me into this world.

Now, we have all heard the phrase that "money doesn't buy happiness"... I have known many people that are very well off financially, but have failing relationships with those very same people that they are trying to provide for.

Maybe, there is no communication with the spouse and/or they have no relationship with their kids who are always getting into trouble. To be in a successful relationship, you have to be able to provide emotional, mental, spiritual and physical support to name a few in addition to financial support.

After listening to Dr. Gray today for just 1/2 hour, my relationship with my wife was put into a new perspective. Certainly, married couples and parents are faced with stresses every day and they are only intensified during these difficult economic times. Men, women and children have never been faced with more stresses than we are today.

When I was a kid, I never had to worry about terrorism and child abuse and abductions and many of the other scary images that we are exposed to every day both domestically and abroad.

All of these stresses add a new dynamic to your family relationship. Dr. Gray can give us the ability to thrive and survive in spite of modern day stresses. I now better understand the connection between brain chemistry and why there are understandable differences in the way my wife reduces her stress and I reduce mine.

I now have a better understanding of what it takes to build and sustain the energy needed to manage stress and why it is different for my wife and myself, and men and women in general.

Never take your most cherished relationships for granted. Many relationships have their ups and downs and many DO NOT survive...just look at the statistics.

You can learn from great teachers like Dr. John Gray how to build and sustain stronger relationships with those you care most about. I know my relationships will change for the better.

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