Wednesday, November 18, 2009

iLearningGlobal Millionaire Mentor Session For Saturday, Nov. 21

iLearningGlobal is pleased to announce Chet Holmes as the featured faculty member on this Saturday’s Millionaire Mentor Session.

Chet Holmes has worked with over 60 of the Fortune 500 companies as America’s top marketing executive, trainer, strategic consultant and business growth expert. He has identified and developed the 12 core competencies that are proven to provide the main structure of truly great companies and he has developed more than fifty proprietary methods of implementation---to see his and your ideas actually take root and grow.

The realization of Chet’s discoveries came to fruition while running nine divisions of a company for Charlie Munger (on the Forbes “Billionaires” list and partner of Warren Buffett). Chet Holmes doubled the sales volume of each division, most within only 12 to 15 months, continuing strategic growth in several divisions and again doubling sales for several years consecutively. Charlie Munger has called Chet, “America’s greatest sales and marketing executive.”

These 12 competencies became the foundation for more than 65 training products now selling in 23 countries. Chet is the author of the best selling book, The Ultimate Sales Machine. Chet also authored the Business Growth Masters Series (with Jay Abraham), Mega Marketing and Sales and Guerrilla Marketing Meets Karate Master (with Jay Levinson).

Please join us this Saturday to hear the legendary business growth strategist Chet Holmes speak on “How to Increase Results from Your Marketing by 900% Overnight”.

We look forward to having you on the call!


When: Saturday, November 21,

9am PST/12 noon EST

Dial in: 646-519-5830

Access code: 7244

Chet Holmes Full Bio:

Chet Holmes has worked with over 60 of the Fortune 500 companies as America’s top marketing executive, trainer, strategic consultant and business growth expert. He has identified and developed the 12 core competencies that are proven to provide the main structure of truly great companies and he has developed more than fifty proprietary methods of implementation---to see his and your ideas actually take root and grow.

The realization of Chet’s discoveries came to fruition while running nine divisions of a company for Charlie Munger (on the Forbes “Billionaires” list and partner of Warren Buffett). Chet Holmes doubled the sales volume of each division, most within only 12 to 15 months, continuing strategic growth in several divisions and again doubling sales for several years consecutively. Charlie Munger has called Chet, “America’s greatest sales and marketing executive.”

“It was all in the constant focus on the 12 competencies,” explains Chet. These 12 competencies became the foundation for more than 65 training products now selling in 23 countries. Chet is the author of the best selling book, The Ultimate Sales Machine (#1 business book on Amazon, #1 Sales and Marketing book on Amazon, and also on NY Times best seller list). Chet also authored the Business Growth Masters Series (with Jay Abraham), Mega Marketing and Sales and Guerrilla Marketing Meets Karate Master (with Jay Levinson).

Industry Week named him one of the top change experts in the country.” Success Magazine says, “Chet Holmes breaks sales records wherever he goes.” He has also been written about in The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle and more than 50 other publications.

His client list includes: American Express, Wells Fargo, Morgan Stanley, Pac Bell, Estee Lauder, Thomson International, Merrill Lynch, Solomon Brothers, W.R. Grace, Citibank, Cosmair, Banker’s Trust, Xerox and many more. He has designed more than 500 advertising campaigns and hundreds of sales systems in hundreds of different industries and been paid fees that exceed a $1 million from a single client. Also a karate master (Chet studied and taught karate for 23 years), as Chet says, “Becoming a master is not about doing 4000 different things, it’s about doing 12 things, 4000 times each.” A strategic sharp shooter, Chet consistently catapults his clients beyond the competition.

“When you see how methodical Chet’s approach is, you understand instantly how he can assure dramatic sales increases. Chet is a very brilliant man in his discipline. He’s a very strategic-minded person, but his even stronger ability is figuring out the systems, the process, and the procedures that drive, sustain, maintain and replicate a system so a company can grow and become great. This is what I think is missing in most entrepreneurial companies,” says Jay Abraham, one of Fortune Magazine’s top five business growth gurus. Chet is also noted by Jay Levinson (famed author of Guerrilla Marketing, and 55 other best selling books) as “perhaps one of the most prolific creative machines of our time.”

With a desire to impact the masses in a positive way, Chet also ventured into feature film production. He secured a three-contract deal with Warner Brothers as a feature film producer and writer. Chet Holmes is also a devoted father and husband, which he calls “my best accomplishment.”

You are invited to bring along anyone you feel may benefit from this amazing call..

I hope you can join us.

To your continued success,

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