Thursday, November 26, 2009

iLearningGlobal Millionaire Mentor Session For Saturday, Nov. 28

iLearningGlobal is pleased to announce Rudy Ruettiger as the featured faculty member on this Saturday’s Millionaire Mentor Session.

Against all odds on a gridiron in South Bend, Indiana, Daniel "Rudy" Ruettiger carved his name into history books as perhaps the most famous graduate of the University of Notre Dame. The son of an oil refinery worker and third of 14 children, Rudy rose from valleys of discouragement and despair to the pinnacles of success.

It took years of fierce determination to overcome obstacles and criticism, yet Rudy achieved his first dream - to attend Notre Dame and play football for the Fighting Irish. He is the only player in the school's history to be carried off the field on his teammates' shoulders.

In 1993, TRISTAR Productions immortalized his life story with the blockbuster film, RUDY.

Today, a highly sought-after motivational speaker, Rudy entertains international corporate audiences with a unique, passionate, and heartfelt style of communicating. He reaches school children, university students, and professional athletes with the same enthusiasm, portraying the human spirit that comes from his personal experiences of adversity and triumph. His captivating personality and powerful message of "YES, I CAN!" stays with his audiences forever.

This Saturday, please tune in to the Millionaire Mentor Session call to hear Rudy speak on “Overcoming Obstacles and Staying on Track”.

We look forward to having you join us on the call!


When: Saturday, November 28,

9am PST/12 noon EST

Dial in: 646-519-5830

Access code: 7244

Rudy Ruettiger Full Bio:

Against all odds on a gridiron in South Bend, Indiana, Daniel "Rudy" Ruettiger in twenty seven seconds, carved his name into history books as perhaps the most famous graduate of the University of Notre Dame. The son of an oil refinery worker and third of 14 children, Rudy rose from valleys of discouragement and despair to the pinnacles of success. Today, he is one of the most popular motivational speakers in the United States. It took years of fierce determination to overcome obstacles and criticisms, yet Rudy achieved his first dream - to attend Notre Dame and play football for the Fighting Irish. As fans cheered RU-DY, RU-DY, he sacked the quarterback in the last 27 seconds of the only play in the only game of his college football career. He is the only player in the school's history to be carried off the field on his teammates' shoulders.

In 1993, TRISTAR Productions immortalized his life story with the blockbuster film, RUDY. Written and produced by Angelo Pizzo and David Anspaugh, the award-winning team who brought us HOOSIERS, the critically acclaimed RUDY received "Two Thumbs Up" from Siskel and Ebert and continues to inspire millions worldwide.

Today, a highly sought after motivational speaker, Rudy entertains international corporate audiences with a unique, passionate, and heartfelt style of communicating. He reaches school children, university students, and professional athletes with the same enthusiasm, portraying the human spirit that comes from his personal experiences of adversity and triumph. His captivating personality and powerful message of "YES I CAN" stays with his audiences forever. Rudy shares the speaking platform with great leaders and speakers including President George Bush, First Lady Barbara Bush, Peter Lowe, Joe Montana, General Colin Powell, Christopher Reeve, and Zig Ziglar.

Rudy's opening remarks receive thunderous applause and standing ovations from audiences of 200 to 20,000 people who emotionally chant RU-DY, RU-DY! A few of Rudy's media appearances include: People Magazine, Sports Illustrated, US Magazine, Readers Digest, Inside Sports, The 700 Club, NFL Films, CBS Goodmorning, ABC Good Morning America, NBC Talk Live, Regis and Kathy Lee, Montel Williams Show, Entertainment Tonight.

In addition to his motivational speaking, Rudy has co-authored several books, including: RUDY'S INSIGHTS FOR WINNING IN LIFE, RUDY'S LESSONS FOR YOUNG CHAMPIONS, and RUDY & FRIENDS, and has produced the DREAM POWER tape series.

He has recently established the RUDY FOUNDATION, whose mission is to help children of all ages around the world reach their full potential. The Rudy Foundation develops and supports programs that positively impact the lives of children cognitively, emotionally, physically and spiritually. The RUDY AWARDS TM Program was created by the Rudy Ruettiger Foundation to recognize children who make an outstanding, exceptional effort to do their personal best everyday, overcome obstacles, set goals, stay on track to reach their Dreams and build the qualities of Character, Courage, Contribution, and Commitment into their lives everyday.

The RUDY AWARDS TM is about a child's heart, will to change, and desire for self-improvement. A few of Rudy's honors include:

• Honorary Doctorate Degree from Our Lady of Holy Cross College
• The key to numerous cities across the nation along with special proclamations for his inspiration, commitment, and human spirit.
• Honorary assist to the Attorney General of Louisiana
• Distinguished American Award
• Recognition from George W. Bush
• Recognition from the House of Representatives in the state of Texas
• Recognition at the White House
• A Proclamation from the Governor of Nevada granting an Official Rudy Award Day
• Inducted into the Speakers Hall of Fame

You are invited to bring along anyone you feel may benefit from this amazing call..

I hope you can join us.

To your continued success,

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

iLearningGlobal Millionaire Mentor Session For Saturday, Nov. 21

iLearningGlobal is pleased to announce Chet Holmes as the featured faculty member on this Saturday’s Millionaire Mentor Session.

Chet Holmes has worked with over 60 of the Fortune 500 companies as America’s top marketing executive, trainer, strategic consultant and business growth expert. He has identified and developed the 12 core competencies that are proven to provide the main structure of truly great companies and he has developed more than fifty proprietary methods of implementation---to see his and your ideas actually take root and grow.

The realization of Chet’s discoveries came to fruition while running nine divisions of a company for Charlie Munger (on the Forbes “Billionaires” list and partner of Warren Buffett). Chet Holmes doubled the sales volume of each division, most within only 12 to 15 months, continuing strategic growth in several divisions and again doubling sales for several years consecutively. Charlie Munger has called Chet, “America’s greatest sales and marketing executive.”

These 12 competencies became the foundation for more than 65 training products now selling in 23 countries. Chet is the author of the best selling book, The Ultimate Sales Machine. Chet also authored the Business Growth Masters Series (with Jay Abraham), Mega Marketing and Sales and Guerrilla Marketing Meets Karate Master (with Jay Levinson).

Please join us this Saturday to hear the legendary business growth strategist Chet Holmes speak on “How to Increase Results from Your Marketing by 900% Overnight”.

We look forward to having you on the call!


When: Saturday, November 21,

9am PST/12 noon EST

Dial in: 646-519-5830

Access code: 7244

Chet Holmes Full Bio:

Chet Holmes has worked with over 60 of the Fortune 500 companies as America’s top marketing executive, trainer, strategic consultant and business growth expert. He has identified and developed the 12 core competencies that are proven to provide the main structure of truly great companies and he has developed more than fifty proprietary methods of implementation---to see his and your ideas actually take root and grow.

The realization of Chet’s discoveries came to fruition while running nine divisions of a company for Charlie Munger (on the Forbes “Billionaires” list and partner of Warren Buffett). Chet Holmes doubled the sales volume of each division, most within only 12 to 15 months, continuing strategic growth in several divisions and again doubling sales for several years consecutively. Charlie Munger has called Chet, “America’s greatest sales and marketing executive.”

“It was all in the constant focus on the 12 competencies,” explains Chet. These 12 competencies became the foundation for more than 65 training products now selling in 23 countries. Chet is the author of the best selling book, The Ultimate Sales Machine (#1 business book on Amazon, #1 Sales and Marketing book on Amazon, and also on NY Times best seller list). Chet also authored the Business Growth Masters Series (with Jay Abraham), Mega Marketing and Sales and Guerrilla Marketing Meets Karate Master (with Jay Levinson).

Industry Week named him one of the top change experts in the country.” Success Magazine says, “Chet Holmes breaks sales records wherever he goes.” He has also been written about in The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle and more than 50 other publications.

His client list includes: American Express, Wells Fargo, Morgan Stanley, Pac Bell, Estee Lauder, Thomson International, Merrill Lynch, Solomon Brothers, W.R. Grace, Citibank, Cosmair, Banker’s Trust, Xerox and many more. He has designed more than 500 advertising campaigns and hundreds of sales systems in hundreds of different industries and been paid fees that exceed a $1 million from a single client. Also a karate master (Chet studied and taught karate for 23 years), as Chet says, “Becoming a master is not about doing 4000 different things, it’s about doing 12 things, 4000 times each.” A strategic sharp shooter, Chet consistently catapults his clients beyond the competition.

“When you see how methodical Chet’s approach is, you understand instantly how he can assure dramatic sales increases. Chet is a very brilliant man in his discipline. He’s a very strategic-minded person, but his even stronger ability is figuring out the systems, the process, and the procedures that drive, sustain, maintain and replicate a system so a company can grow and become great. This is what I think is missing in most entrepreneurial companies,” says Jay Abraham, one of Fortune Magazine’s top five business growth gurus. Chet is also noted by Jay Levinson (famed author of Guerrilla Marketing, and 55 other best selling books) as “perhaps one of the most prolific creative machines of our time.”

With a desire to impact the masses in a positive way, Chet also ventured into feature film production. He secured a three-contract deal with Warner Brothers as a feature film producer and writer. Chet Holmes is also a devoted father and husband, which he calls “my best accomplishment.”

You are invited to bring along anyone you feel may benefit from this amazing call..

I hope you can join us.

To your continued success,

Thursday, November 12, 2009

iLearningGlobal Millionaire Mentor Session For Saturday, Nov. 14

iLearningGlobal is pleased to present Barbara Glanz as the featured faculty member on this Saturday’s Millionaire Mentor Session.

Barbara Glanz, one of fewer than 200 female Certified Speaking Professionals worldwide, works with organizations that want to improve morale, retention, and service and with people who want to rediscover the joy in their work and in their lives.

Using her Master’s degree in Adult Learning, she is the first speaker on record to have spoken on all 7 continents and in all 50 states to organizations as diverse as the US Dept. of Energy, Shangri-La Hotels, Merry Maids, Disney, Verizon, and the Singapore Security Police! Known as the business speaker who speaks to your heart as well as to your head, she lives and breathes her personal motto, “Spreading Contagious Enthusiasm.™”

She is the author of eleven books, including The Simple Truths of Service As Inspired by Johnny the Bagger (co-authored with Ken Blanchard).

This Saturday, she will be speaking on the topic, “You Can Make a Difference”.

Please take advantage of this opportunity to hear from Barbara, an exceptional speaker whose mission is to help people fully engage their unique talents in ways that bring joy to them and make a difference in this world.

We look forward to having you join us on the call!


When: Saturday, November 14th,
9am PST/12 noon EST
Dial in: 646-519-5830
Access code: 7244

Barbara Glanz Full Bio

Barbara Glanz, one of fewer than 200 female Certified Speaking Professionals worldwide, works with organizations that want to improve morale, retention, and service and with people who want to rediscover the joy in their work and in their lives.

Using her Master’s degree in Adult Learning, she is the first speaker on record to have spoken on all 7 continents and in all 50 states to organizations as diverse as Nordstrom, Honda, KFC, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Southwest Airlines, Bank of America, Kaiser Permanente, Hallmark, the US Dept. of Energy, Shangri-La Hotels, Merry Maids, Disney, Verizon, and the Singapore Security Police!

Known as the business speaker who speaks to your heart as well as to your head, she lives and breathes her personal motto, “Spreading Contagious Enthusiasm.™”
She is the author of eleven books, including The Simple Truths of Service As Inspired by Johnny the Bagger (co-authored with Ken Blanchard); The Simple Truths of Appreciation; What Can I Do? Ideas to Help Those Who Have Experienced Loss; Balancing Acts; CARE Packages for the Workplace; CARE Packages for the Home; and CARE Packages for your Customers.

She lives on the beach in Sarasota, Florida, and adores her four grandchildren, Gavin, Kinsey, Owen and Simon.

For more information, visit Barbara can be reached at 941-312-9169; Fax 941-349-8209; or by email at

You are invited to bring along anyone you feel may benefit from this amazing call..

I hope you can join us.

To your continued success,

Monday, November 9, 2009

Invite To Attend a Special Webinar With Dr. Ellie Drake ~ RePlay

Hi everyone,

This is a unique opportunity to hear one of the Industry's top business trainers and speakers..

This webinar is brought to you by Ann Sieg and Mike Klingler ..

In this webinar you will meet Mike Klingler's mentor and coach Dr. Ellie Drake. Ellie will be focusing on the very important skill-set of Coaching and how you can develop a Keen Business Insight allowing you to authentically connect with people and impact the quality of people you attract.

This has the potential to change everything in your life and business, even if you are not planning on becoming a paid coach.

More about Ellie Drake...

As an inspirational speaker, doctor and successful entrepreneur, Dr. Ellie Drake is in demand by entrepreneurs around the world, empowering everyone taking their first steps on the path of achieving prosperity.

With her deep understanding of the keys to success, along with her heartfelt compassion, Dr. Ellie Drake elicits an overwhelming response
in everyone who attends her motivational seminars.

Dr. Ellie Drake is the Founder of BraveHeart Women Global Community, the largest global online community for inspired Women.

Coaching Skills.

Mysterious, intangible and highly valuable coaching skills.

That YOU can start learning right here, right now.

No one describes this better than Mike Klingker's friend Dr. Ellie Drake (who taught him to focus on these coaching skills, which led to his own personal business transformation).

Listen to this powerful call where Ellie shares HOW important these skills are for your business–WHY they are essential–and how your world changes almost instantly once you focus on them.


We invite you to learn more about Dr. Ellie Drake below..

Please invite anyone who you feel my benefit from this webinar replay.

To your success,

Thursday, November 5, 2009

iLearningGlobal Millionaire Mentor Session For Saturday, November 7

iLearningGlobal is pleased to present Susan RoAne as the featured faculty member on this Saturday’s Millionaire Mentor Session.

Susan RoAne leads a double life as a bestselling author and a sought-after professional keynote speaker. Known as The Mingling Maven®, she gives her multi-generational audiences the required tools, techniques and strategies they need to connect and communicate in today’s global business world. Her practical, informative, and interactive presentations are known for what The San Francisco Chronicle calls her “dynamite sense of humor”.

Because of her groundbreaking best-seller, How to Work a Room®, Susan is considered the undisputed and original networking and communication expert. She has sold over a million books worldwide, and has launched an industry that she continues to create and shape in the 21st Century.

Please join us on Saturday to hear Susan speak on the topic, “How to Create Your Own Luck”.

This is an incredible opportunity to learn from a leading expert the proven, savvy socializing techniques that will encourage business growth.

We look forward to having you join us on the call!


When: Saturday, November 7
9am PST/12 noon EST
Dial in: 646-519-5830
Access code: 7244

Susan RoAne Bio:

Susan RoAne leads a double life as a bestselling author and a sought-after professional keynote speaker. Known as The Mingling Maven®, she gives her multi-generational audiences the required tools, techniques and strategies they need to connect and communicate in today’s global business world. Her practical, informative, and interactive presentations are known for what The San Francisco Chronicle calls her “dynamite sense of humor”.

She received her Master’s Degree from San Francisco State University and her Bachelor's from the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, where she was recently honored at “Authors Come Home”. (She still considers herself a Fighting Ilini!) A former teacher, Susan also lectures at major universities such as Yale, Wharton, University of Chicago and NYU.

As a professional keynote speaker, some of the organizations that have hired Susan to bring her message to their people are: AT&T, Apple, Coca-Cola, Time Warner, Office Depot, Boeing, Citigroup, Ernst and Young, Oracle, Procter and Gamble, National Association of Television Producers and Executives, National Football League and, her personal favorite, Hershey's Chocolate.

Because of her groundbreaking best-seller, How to Work a Room®, Susan is considered the undisputed and original networking and communication expert. She has sold over a million books worldwide, and has launched an industry that she continues to create and shape in the 21st Century.

A resident of the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area, Susan is a member of The San Francisco Convention and Visitors Bureau, a Supporter of The Mill Valley Film Festival, as well as a Friend of the San Francisco Ballet. She also stays "hip" by taking hip-hop dance classes.

You are invited to bring along anyone you feel may benefit from this amazing call..

I hope you can join us.

To your continued success,