Wednesday, September 30, 2009

iLearningGlobal Millionaire Mentor Session For Saturday, October 3

iLearningGlobal is pleased to announce Bill Bartmann as the featured faculty member on this Saturday’s Millionaire Mentor Session.

Bill is the ultimate underdog/survivor/achiever, overcoming personal circumstances and tragedy to rise to the top enterprise in America. Homeless at age 14, a member of a street gang and a high-school dropout - Bill took control of his life by taking the GED exam and putting himself through college and law school.

Since then, Bill has created seven successful businesses, including a $3.5 billion company started from his kitchen table with a $13,000 loan.

Now, Bill Bartmann is referred to as the “Billionaire Business Coach”. He is the only self-made billionaire who has exclusively devoted his life to teaching others. He travels the country, sharing his story of how he created his success and how he dealt with his challenges.

This Saturday's Millionaire Mentor Session with Bill is titled, “Conversations with a Billionaire”. This is a rare opportunity to be mentored by one of America’s most successful businessmen.

We look forward to having you join us on the call!

When: Saturday, October 3,
9am PST / 12 noon EST
Dial in: 646-519-5830
Access code: 7244

Bill Bartmann Full Bio:

Bill is the ultimate underdog/survivor/achiever, overcoming personal circumstances and tragedy to rise to the top enterprise in America. Homeless at age 14, a member of a street gang and a high-school dropout - Bill took control of his life by taking the GED exam and putting himself through college and law school.

At the request of a bank, he took over a foreclosed oil-field pipe manufacturing plant and turned it into a million dollar a month business, until OPEC slashed the price of oil - leaving Bill out of business and a million dollars in debt.

Refusing to give up, Bill and his wife & business partner, Kathy, borrowed $13,000 and created a new industry - Debt Resolution. Three years later, they had repaid the entire million dollar debt. Over the next 13 years, they grew the company to 3,900 employees with revenues in excess of $1 billion and earnings in excess of $182 million.

There they pioneered novel financial instruments still utilized today on Wall Street. They also implemented unheard of perks and benefits for their employees, such as salaries at two times the industry standard, free health care, free on-site daycare, 250% 401k matching program and legendary company trips where they took ALL of the employees and their spouses on annual trips to the Bahamas, Las Vegas and Ocean Cruises. One year they leased twenty-seven 747 jets so they could fly 6,000 employees and spouses to Disney World.

Bill and Kathy have individually graced the covers of national business magazines: Kathy on the cover of Forbes, and Bill on the cover of Inc. They were listed individually on the Forbes 400 Wealthiest People in America list. One national magazine ranked them number 25.

In 1998, tragedy struck when Bill's former business partner committed fraud and sent the company into bankruptcy. Although Bill's former business partner told the prosecutors that he had acted without Bill's knowledge, admitted his guilt and was sent to prison, the US Attorney General, John Ashcroft, in the post-Enron business environment, indicted Bill. Five years later, after a 2 month long trial where the government called 53 witnesses and produced over 1,000 exhibits, Bill rested his case without calling a single witness or producing a single exhibit. The jury unanimously acquitted Bill on all counts.

Ironically, 17 months after his acquittal and six and a half years after his company was liquidated, the Federal Bankruptcy Trustee issued his report which publicly acknowledged for the first time, "CFS was not a fraud".

This experience would have embittered most people, but not Bill. He now travels the country, sharing his story of how he created his success and how he dealt with his challenges.

Bill has been credited with singlehandedly changing and reforming the collection industry in America. His new mission, just as ambitious, is to "reverse the business failure rate in America".

Bill is already on his way to accomplishing what has been called an impossible task. You, too, can be part of this exciting movement – a movement that will transform the face of America and improve the lives of millions of people!

You are invited to bring along anyone you feel may benefit from this amazing call..

I hope you can join us.

To your continued success,

Friday, September 25, 2009

Free Seminar: How to Make Money with Facebook, Twitter, & YouTube Replay

If you could not make the call, or would like to listen again, the full presentation is now available here: Read below to view what will be discussed during the Seminar


It's virtually impossible to ignore.

Everywhere you turn, you hear about these Social Networking and Social Media Websites: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Digg, and Delicious. It looks like they are taking over.

* Facebook has 200 million members.

* YouTube visitors are viewing 13 billion videos a month.

* LinkedIn has over 15 million businesspeople networking.

*Twitter is growing at over 40% a month.

*Digg and Delicious are driving millions of visitors to websites every month.

The big question on many people's mind is a simple one:

Are these websites Useful Business Tools or mostly a Massive Waste of Time?

** FREE PHONE SEMINAR: Using Social Media as a Profitable Business Tool **

To answer these questions, David Riklan, of launched an exhaustive study of Social Media, spending months interviewing many of the top experts in the field. He also began implementing Social Media marketing himself to find out once and for all if it really worked.

In this free 1 hour telephone interview, David will reveal:

1. The top seven ways people are completely wasting their time using Social Media.
2. How YOU can position yourself as an expert in any niche fast without spending a dime.
3. The top four ways people are generating leads through social networking
4. The top 12 industries that are effectively using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
5. Why Social Media is changing marketing forever.
6. How to use Social Media to generate MASSIVE income.

These tools are changing the future of business and the Internet. If you want to be part of the future, don't miss out on this powerful free presentation.

To your success,

Thursday, September 24, 2009

iLearningGlobal Millionaire Mentor Session For Saturday, September 26

iLearningGlobal is pleased to present Terri Murphy as the featured faculty member on this Saturday’s Millionaire Mentor Session.

As a top producing sales person in the Chicago area for over 24 years, Terri understands the unmatchable power of strategic alliances that truly create a strong differentiation in the market today.

Terri is the President and founder of an online resource network for women in business. She serves as the Chief Information Officer of U. S. Learning in Memphis and is president of Terri Murphy Communications, Inc. Her expertise is consulting with companies, executives and associations on ways to create new relationships through cutting edge marketing and communication strategies.

Join us on Saturday to hear Terri speak on “6 Strategies to Thrive and Survive Using Social Media”.

We look forward to having you on the call!


When: Saturday, September 26,
9am Pacific Time/ 12 noon EST
Dial in: 646-519-Details:5830
Access code: 7244

Terri Murphy Full Bio:

As a top producing sales person in the Chicago area for over 24 years, Terri understands the unmatchable power of strategic alliances that truly create a strong differentiation in the market today.

Terri is the President and founder of an online resource network for women in business. She serves as the Chief Information Officer of U. S. Learning in Memphis and president of Terri Murphy Communications, Inc.

Her expertise is consulting with companies, executives and associations on ways to create new relationships through cutting edge marketing and communication strategies.
Terri is the author of 5 books, produced and hosted both television and radio programs, and been featured on ABC, NBC and CNBC News as a sales industry expert.

She does a regular guest appearance monthly on WREGTV’s Live@9 for Women in Business.
As a consultant to major National Associations, and CIO of U. S. Learning, Inc. in Memphis, Tennessee, Terri understands the critical need to interface technology solutions with personal customer care to create truly exceptional relationships.

She is a published author of 5 books, including her most recent book with Donald Trump, “The Best Real Estate Advice I Ever Received”.

In 2008, Terri was named one of the top 50 most influential Women Leaders in Real Estate by Real Trends.

Terri produced and hosted both television and radio programs, and has been featured on ABC, NBC and CNBC News and is now back in the studio producing podcasts and teleseminars for sales industries nationwide.

Terri eagerly shares her systems and strategies, and has to date, addressed over 1,900 audiences nationwide.

You are invited to bring along anyone you feel may benefit from this amazing call..

I hope you can join us.

To your continued success,

Thursday, September 17, 2009

iLearningGlobal Millionaire Mentor Session For Saturday, September 19

iLearningGlobal is pleased to announce Dr. Tony Alessandra as the featured faculty member on this Saturday’s Millionaire Mentor Session.

Dr. Tony Alessandra helps companies build customers, relationships, and the bottomline. Through his knowledge of marketing and communication styles, companies learn how to achieve market dominance using specific strategies designed to out-market, outsell, and out-service the competition.

Dr. Alessandra has a street-wise, college-smart perspective on business, having fought his way out of NYC to eventually realizing success as a professor of marketing, entrepreneur, business author, and keynote speaker. Recognized by Meetings & Conventions Magazine as “one of America’s most electrifying speakers,” Dr. Alessandra is a member of the Speakers Roundtable, a group of 20 of the world’s top professional speakers.

This Saturday, Sept. 19, Dr. Tony Alessandra will be speaking on “Secrets of 10 Great Geniuses”.

Join us for this week’s Millionaire Mentor Session and you’ll discover why Tony's polished style, powerful message and proven ability as a consummate business strategist consistently earns rave reviews.


When: Saturday, September 19,
9am Pacific Time/12 noon EST
Dial in: 646-519-5830
Access code: 7244

Tony Alessandra Full Bio:

Dr. Tony Alessandra helps companies build customers, relationships, and the bottom-line. Companies learn how to achieve market dominance through specific strategies designed to outmarket, outsell, and outservice the competition.

Dr. Alessandra has a street-wise, college-smart perspective on business, having fought his way out of NYC to eventually realizing success as a graduate professor of marketing, entrepreneur, business author, and keynote speaker. He earned his MBA from the University of Connecticut---and his PhD in marketing from Georgia State University.

Dr. Alessandra is president of Online Assessments, a company that offers online multi-rater assessments and tests; co-founder of, an elearning company; and chairman of the board of BrainX, a company that offers digital accelerated learning programs.

Dr. Alessandra is a widely published author, with 14 books translated into 17 foreign languages, including Charisma (Warner Books, 1998); The Platinum Rule (Warner Books, 1996); Collaborative Selling (John Wiley & Sons, 1993); and Communicating at Work (Fireside/Simon & Schuster, 1993). He is featured in over 50 audio/video programs and films, including Relationship Strategies (American Media); The Dynamics of Effective Listening (Nightingale-Conant); and Non-Manipulative Selling (Walt Disney).

Recognized by Meetings & Conventions Magazine as “one of America’s most electrifying speakers,” Dr. Alessandra was inducted into the Speakers Hall of Fame in 1985---and is a member of the Speakers Roundtable, a group of 20 of the world’s top professional speakers. Tony's polished style, powerful message and proven ability as a consummate business strategist consistently earns rave reviews.

You are invited to bring along anyone you feel may benefit from this amazing call..

I hope you can join us.

To your continued success,

Thursday, September 10, 2009

iLearningGlobal Millionaire Mentor Session For Saturday, September 12

iLearningGlobal is pleased to announce Jeff Magee as the featured faculty member on this Saturday’s Millionaire Mentor Session!

Jeff Magee has been called one of the leading “leadership and marketing strategists of today”. He started his first business at age 15 and sold it before going to college. By age 24 he was recognized by a Fortune 500 company as their top salesman in the nation, while at the same time becoming the youngest certified sales instructor in the world for the Dale Carnegie Sales Course.

He then went on to work as a sales associate for the nation’s largest educational and youth advertising/marketing firm, Target Marketing, and was promoted to Vice President of Sales and Chief Operating Officer within two years!

A three term president of the Oklahoma Speakers Association, Jeff has been awarded the “Professional Speaker Member of the Year” award twice. Today, the chapter’s outstanding member of the year is given the “Jeff Magee Member of the Year Award”.

Today, Magee is the writer of a national leadership column that you may have seen in your own local business newspaper, serves as the publisher of PERFORMANCE Magazine®, and is the author of more than 20 books.

This Saturday, listen to Jeff speak on the topic of “Performance Execution”, a system many Fortune 100 firms use for management and sales training.

When: Saturday, September 12,
9am Pacific Time/ 12 noon EST
Dial in: 646-519-5830
Access code: 7244

Jeff Magee Full Bio:

Jeff Magee has been called one of the leading “Leadership & Marketing Strategists” of today …he started his first business at age 15 and sold it before going to college. By age 24 he was recognized by a Fortune 500 company as their top salesman in the nation, while at the same time becoming the youngest certified Sales Instructor in the world for the Dale Carnegie Sales Course. After experiencing downsizing in 1987 he went on to work as a sales associate for the nation’s largest educational and youth advertising/marketing firm, Target Marketing, and was promoted to Vice President of Sales and Chief Operating Officer within two years!

Jeff is well credentialed. He is a Certified Speaking Professional, a Certified Management Consultant and a Certified Professional Direct Marketer and has been recognized as one of the “Ten Outstanding Young Americans”, known as TOYA by the U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce. A three term president of the Oklahoma Speakers Association, and awarded twice their Professional Speaker Member of the Year, today the chapter’s outstanding member of the year is awarded the “Jeff Magee Member of the Year Award”.

Today, Magee is the writer of the national Leadership Column that you may have seen in your own local business newspaper, serves as the publisher of PERFORMANCE Magazine®, and is the author of more than 20 books, transcribed into multiple languages, including 4 best-sellers. In fact, his text, Yield Management was the #1 selling graduate management school textbook in2000 for CRC/St. Lucie Press, and his newest book it! is presently a best selling sales book for Jeff as well.

Many of the Fortune 100 firms today use Jeff for PERFORMANCE EXECUTION® in the areas of managerial-leadership effectiveness and sales training and coaching. He has also been invited to Keynote at many major Associations in America and to speak at WEST POINT Military Academy on leadership. Magee was commissioned to design, train and present a new series of national leadership and sales recruitment programs for more than the 5,000 professional sales recruiters and sales managers with the US ARMY National Guard. For this he has subsequently received the prestigious Commander’s Coin of Excellence! The London Business Gazette has hailed Jeff as “An American Business Guru” … Recently, President Bush and the United States ARMY National GUARD recognized him with the high honor of the “NATIONAL Guard’s Total Victory & Freedom Medal of Honor”.

You are invited to bring along anyone you feel may benefit from this amazing call..

I hope you can join us.

To your continued success,

Thursday, September 3, 2009

iLearningGlobal Millionaire Mentor Session For Saturday, September 5

iLearningGlobal is pleased to announce Hyrum Smith as the featured faculty member on this Saturday’s Millionaire Mentor Session!

Hyrum combines his gift for communication with his wit and enthusiasm to help individuals determine what matters most to them. As Vice Chairman of the Board of Franklin Covey, he has been motivating individuals to gain better control of their personal and professional lives through values-based time and life management.

Hyrum helped create Franklin Covey in 1984, a training and consulting firm specializing in life management and personal productivity. It is recognized globally for the Franklin Planner, which is used by more than 5 million people worldwide.

Hyrum is the author of What Matters Most®, The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management, The Modern Gladiator, Where Eagles Rest, and Advanced Day Planner User's Guide, and is co-author of Excellence Through Time Management.

Tune in on Saturday to hear Hyrum speak about “Entrepreneurial Inner Peace”. Hyrum is a dynamic, internationally respected speaker who has dedicated his life to helping individuals live happier, more productive lives. His invaluable teachings have transformed the lives of millions.

We look forward to having you on the call!

When: Saturday, Sep 5,
9am PST/12 noon EST
Dial in: 646-519-5830
Access code: 7244

Hyrum Smith Full Bio:

Hyrum combines his gift for communication with his wit and enthusiasm to bring thousands of individuals face-to-face with what matters most to them. He is a highly sought-after international keynote speaker and has addressed more than 5,000 audiences.

Hyrum W. Smith, Vice Chairman of the Board of Franklin Covey, has been motivating individuals to gain better control of their personal and professional lives through values-based time and life management since he helped create the company in 1984. Franklin Covey is a training and consulting firm specializing in life management and personal productivity. It is recognized globally for the Franklin Planner, which is used by more than 5 million people worldwide.

Hyrum graduated from Brigham Young University in 1971. Ten years later, he created his own seminar company, Golden Eagle Motivation, and taught sales management. In 1982, he worked as a consultant for a time management company until he formed H. W. Smith and Associates. In early 1984 The Franklin Institute was created which, now as FranklinCovey, trains more than 40,000 people each month.

Hyrum is the author of What Matters Most®, The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management, The Modern Gladiator, Where Eagles Rest, and Advanced Day Planner User's Guide, and is co-author of Excellence Through Time Management. Some of Hyrum's priorities are spending time with his family and horseback riding. He and his wife, Gail, are the parents of six children.

In recent years, Hyrum has received many awards for community service, including the Silver Beaver Award from the Boy Scouts of America. In 1987, Hyrum was awarded the Public Service Award by the Association of Federal Investigators. Hyrum serves on the board of directors and councils of the Tuacahn Center for the Arts near St. George, Utah; SkyWest Airlines; the University of Utah National Advisory Council; the Dixie College National Advisory council; and the Children's Miracle Network.

In 1992, Hyrum was awarded the S.R.I. Gallup Hall of Fame and Man of the Year Award. Hyrum was also honored as the International Entrepreneur of the Year by the Brigham Young University Marriott School of Management in 1993. Along with his many community service awards, Hyrum has been awarded three honorary doctorate degrees.

You are invited to bring along anyone you feel may benefit from this amazing call..

I hope you can join us.

To your continued success,