Sunday, October 26, 2008

Your 4 Steps To Success

Now, let's take a look at how easy it is to promote the iLearningGlobal opportunity...

Generally, there are many challenges associated with marketing and promoting a business venture. You certainly want to market to your target audience and get your opportunity in front of as many eyes as possible.

Many people in network marketing don't feel comfortable contacting people and bothering their warm market ( family, friends, relatives, etc. ) Many people don't feel comfortable showing plans, hosting parties, cold calling leads, etc.

So, how is ILG different ?

iLearningGlobal grows by referral marketing when one satisfied customer or marketer refers another. You simply invite people to see your web site, join ILG and take full advantage of the tremendous benefit of...

our life altering videos and other educational products or they may be interested in our referral opportunity. We pay you for people that you refer, and for people they refer, and for people they refer, and on and on.

The iLearningGlobal opportunity consists of 4 simple steps that anyone can master. Let's take a closer look...

1) Learning To Invite...

You will be inviting prospects both through your online efforts as well as offline and you will be trained by the best of the best...your ILG faculty members who have learned over the course of 20 - 30 years of working with Fortune 100 Companies and have trained employees of Fortune 100 companies.

The art of inviting can be very effective if done properly. We will help you to overcome any fear or nervousness that you may have and to master this skill.

You will send prospects to your own “Marketer” ILG site where you invite people to see, sample, and join ILG right there, and they are automatically linked to you as the referrer.

The main goal is to find a way you are comfortable inviting others to look at iLearningGlobal (ILG). You will have a variety of ways to approach people, based upon the various benefits associated with ILG.

Depending on who you are chatting with, your prospect may be interested in the ILG income opportunity, or it may be our our life-changing content, or possibly you have someone that is interested in the home based business aspect of ILG with the tax advantages that come with a home based business. It may also be a combination of all of the above.

Be assured, through the ongoing training that you have unlimited access to 24/ will gain the skills and the confidence to share this exciting opportunity with many people.

2) Presentation...

So, you have now simply invited prospects to your marketer site...


and to your site to Preview the Video Theater, Audio Theater, and E-brary at...


Now, you let your expert faculty who train Fortune 100 companies to do effective presentations do what they do best... PRESENT for you.

This is not just your upline speaking to your prospect or you on a 3 way call with your upline and your prospect (which is very effective in network marketing) These are the top business and personal development trainers in the world presenting your business for you....and they are available in incredible high definition 24/7 at your own website !

During the visit to your marketer website, your guests will view intro videos that will showcase the ILG opportunity and the tremendous benefit that it provides to anyone that wants to improve their business, family, or personal life.

It does not matter what you are already doing - iLearningGlobal will help you do it better.

Then your guests will be able to preview several videos with our ground breaking technology and outstanding content.

The presentation continues as you invite your guests to Two Corporate-sponsored conference calls...

ILG opportunity call

Every Tuesday at 9 pm EST / 6 pm PST

Dial: 1-646-519-5830

Code: 6486#

ILG Speaker call

Saturday at noon EST / 9am PST

Dial: 1-646-519-5830

Code: 6486#

3) Follow Up and Close...

Again, you will be learning these valuable skills from your "Masters"

Many times it is difficult to know the right words and you certainly don't want to scare away a prospect by saying the wrong thing.

But, you can certainly say very basic phrases to your prospects, such as...
“Do you like this idea?” or “How does this look to you?”

Then “If it looks good, why don’t you give it a try for a month? If you don’t like it quit. If you do like it, then I’ll help you all the way.”

There is no risk... $79.95 for a customer and $110 for a Marketer to try it for a month is the total risk.

If all they do is take advantage of the tax strategies, your prospect will likely save many times that. The upside for your prospect is this will dramatically improve their life, and the lives of the people they care about – both personally and financially.

But, the good news is... you have unlimited access to the top experts that will help you to develop these essential skills and teach you new skills that will enable you to "master" the art of follow up and closing.

While follow up is a key element of this process, until you are comfortable with your new skill set, many of your prospects will likely join your business after attending the opportunity calls and the faculty focus calls, where they will hear about all of the features and benefits of joining this great opportunity direct from the top mentors in the world.

4) Duplication...

All you have to do is start the process over again. Take the above steps and apply them to your new prospects and you will soon see how truly easy this business model is.

Then, you show your downline how to do the same thing. It is a simple 4 step process and one that can easily be duplicated.

Our growth strategy is the “Power of 5.” You sponsor 5 people who like to learn. Help each of them find 5 people who like to learn, and each of them find 5 people who like to learn.

If you continue to duplicate that proven process, you will achieve all of your financial and personal goals.

Also, you can actually have more or less than 5 on your first level, but our primary business building strategy is the Power of 5.

You are invited to visit the following site to learn more about this incredible opportunity...


You are also invited to take a visitor tour where you can view samples of the premium content you will have access to in hundreds of titles once you join

Preview the Video Theater, Audio Theater, and E-brary now at...

You will need to download the video player so your computer will be updated with best streaming video available.

Here's to your success,


"spend as much time working on yourself as you do on your job." ...Jim Rohn

Friday, October 3, 2008

Can A Digital Online Education Product Actually Be Consumable ?

You always hear and read about Network marketers and MLMers going on about the importance of selling or referring a consumable product or service.

This is certainly important if you want more than just a one time sale. If you want loyal repeat customers and distributors that will remain with the company and in your downline for the long haul...then you want a quality product line that can be re-ordered every month.

Now, most people don't think of a digital product when they think of a consumable product. If it's not a lotion, potion, pill or juice that you can clearly are you going to be in a position to order every month without building a large amount of inventory in your home ?

Well, a digital online education product like those offered by iLearning Global might be the very best type of consumable product of all...

Why ?

Let's take a look at my top 3 reasons...

  • No worries about the product taking up too much is delivered to you in an amazing High Definition full screen video format, available 24/7 in the comfort of your own home.
  • No worries about shipping and handling charges that add to your monthly cost.
  • You receive a personal development and training product that has new content continually being added that you are going to want to consume ( with your mind and your heart ) day after day and month after month, if you truly want to become successful.

Especially now, during tough economic times...success training and mentoring has never been more important to gain the competitive edge and continually learn the skills you need to guarantee your success.

You will not only be helping others to receive the valuable training they need for success, but when you refer members to iLearning Global, you will build a residual income.

Here are some of the channels that are currently available to you at iLearningGlobal...

  • Personal Development
  • Sales & Sales Management
  • Entrepreneurialism
  • Tax Reduction Strategies
  • Goal Setting
  • Balance
  • Leadership That Inspires
  • Negotiation
  • Selling with Success
  • Networking
  • Customer Service
  • Communication
  • Climbing the Ladder
  • Speaking to Win
  • Meetings that Motivate

Plus, Steve Andersen, the director of one of the top teen education and motivation programs in the country will be filming specialized, exclusive videos featuring their high valued programs for teens.

You are invited to visit the following site to learn more about this incredible opportunity...

==> ( you can choose from several different intro. videos )

You are also invited to take a visitor tour where you can you can view samples of the premium content you will have access to in hundreds of titles once you join

Preview the Video Theater, Audio Theater, and E-brary now at...


You will need to download the video player so your computer will be updated with best streaming video available.

To your success,


"spend as much time working on yourself as you do on your job." ...Jim Rohn

If you enjoyed this post get free updates via email or RSS at the top of the page.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

iLearningGlobal Offers Real Value !

One thing you surely can't dispute is the outstanding value offered by iLearningGlobal...many Network Marketing companies and MLM's that sell a product, whether it be a lotion, potion or pill will take that product and add a substantial mark-up.

Even though distributors may receive a discounted Associate or distributor price, the price you pay for a product from your Network Marketing or MLM company is generally an inflated price.

But, that is how the company will generate revenue to payout commissions to their distributors for product movement, whether it is from personal consumption, downline or customer sales.

However, iLearningGlobal can do just the opposite in this age of digital products. There is no manufacturing cost, no warehousing, no shipping and handling costs, no packaging, etc...

So, we can take a product ( top notch business and personal development training and education)
offered by the very best leaders, trainers, mentors and wealth builders in the world today that you would pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to see at a seminar and....

make it affordable for everyone at just $79.95/mo.

Just think about that...continuous education on a daily basis where you receive Personal development and quality business training, which has never been more important than it is today. Plus, delivers the best to you 24/7 from the comfort of your own home with Unlimited Access.

Through our online education portal, individuals gain access to current and relevant knowledge and skills training in leadership development, time management, sales training, entrepreneurship, interpersonal skills and money management.

This type of success training and mentoring removes every type of MLM stigma and brings individuals into this business that normally wouldn't even consider MLM.

It is one thing to have a great upline who will train you how to market your opportunity and drive traffic to your website and get exposure for your business opportunity....but it is quite another to be able to receive the very best business and personal development training from world renowned wealth builders that WILL help to make you a SUCCESS at whatever you do.

Check out iLearningGlobal at...

==> ( you can choose from 4 different intro. videos )

You are also invited to take a visitor tour where you can you can view samples of the premium content you will have access to in hundreds of titles once you join

Preview the Video Theater, Audio Theater, and E-brary now at...


You will need to download the video player so your computer will be updated with best streaming video available.

To your success,


"spend as much time working on yourself as you do on your job." ...Jim Rohn

If you enjoyed this post get free updates via email or RSS at the top of the page.